Welcome to Noughtcross Haus

A communal place to be and learn for young people in Sheffield.
Our guiding principles are self-directed learning, democracy and community.

O = Self-directed Learning


We take a child-centred approach to education, which focuses on autonomy and self-directed learning. It allows young humans to set their own pace, follow their personal interests and passions and steward their own educational path.

X = Democracy


We believe that to raise functional citizens in a democracy we have to live and not just teach values of law, liberty, duty and respect. Our community is encouraged to actively engage with and adapt the system that governs it to allow a continuous fair distribution and equal access to all educational resources.

House = Community


We know that an indivual’s environment is a key element to their learning journey and well-being. Therefore we create, care for and interact with the spaces that we occupy – the physical ones and the social ones – with intention and consideration.